Music is God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven. - Walter Savage Landor

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Texting SomeECards

Recently, Anne Paskert, Holly Powell and I have been exchanging these hilarious “E-cards” back and forth, via text. Some of them are pretty crass, so I will provide the website, but just be aware they are a little over the top. Some of you may chuckle, like I have, during the numerous days here at work passing them back and forth.
Here are a few of the really funny ones, without the extra yuck fluff!


Ch'ya! I've been saying that to A LOT of boys from high school..... NOT!

HAHAHAHAHAAA.... random story comes to mind.

I don't think there are any truer words than this. I LOVE people who are a lot older than me... but there are some who decide to ignore the "Minimum 40mph" sign attached to the speed limit sign. Ya, there is a reason they are scared to get on the highways... they think people are speeding around them, when people are actually going the speed limit.

Troubled Look.

It's sad... but I KNOW someone, personally, who is EXACTLY like this.

Can you imagine some hoity-toity exec. saying something like that when he is out wasted one night?
Guess they are all losers like us!

Love, Anne

I was once told that you know you are in love with someone when you are able to fart in front of eachother. These two people are now married, and regret ever saying that!!!

I seriously looked for an app after this one. No joke.

Ya, and while your at it, crap-head, don't compare your life to mine.
Move along now.

There are no words for this one... Just freaking hilarious!

I love the littel dog in the back ground of this one... "Hello, disrespectful brat... love you :) You have food? Can we play?... You are funny!" Wagg, wagg, wagg...

Aint dat da troot.
Try working with people in insurance... we have to sound smart somehow!

I used to have a job like this... Not no mo!

Yep, pretty much :)

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